Everyone has their own music collection and undoubtedly everyone likes to expand it. Whether it’s in the gym, at work, outside, music is part of our life. Hope that helps you out! If anyone wants to send me a fancy MP3 player so I can test it out, I’d be happy to hear from you.We all love listening to music. If that’s not an option, then just put a few songs in different directories and see if your device can find it once you disconnect and try to play a song or two. One way to do this is to pay for one song to be downloaded from a service, if that’s an option, then see if you can find where it’s stored on your MP3 device and drop other songs into the same place. Now you just need to rummage around a bit and figure out where music files should be stored. Both Macs and Windows XP computers do a very good job with this, older operting systems can be more challenging (e.g., Windows 98, MacOS 9).

With the D500, for example, go to the Samsung Web site and click on “Support”, then type in the product name. The first step is to see if there’s any special software available from the vendor to help the process along. However, just about all the MP3 players on the market work in the same way – and it’s how the Sony PSP works too, in fact – so let’s just talk about the general solution for downloading music onto an MP3 player.

First off, a disclaimer: I don’t have a Samsung D500 so I can’t test out what I’m going to explain here.