I tirocinanti sono responsabili di organizzare i propri viaggi e ottenere i vistiĪ) accrescere la conoscenza del tirocinante sui temi correnti legati ai diritti umani a livello internazionale e fornire una visione d'insieme sul lavoro svolto dalle Nazioni Unite in generale e dall'OHCHR in particolare ī) offrire all'apparato dell'OHCHR e delle Nazioni Unite l'assistenza ed il contributo di studenti di valore. Le spese di viaggio e di soggiorno devono essere sostenute dagli stagisti stessi o da un'istituzione promotrice. Gli stage delle Nazioni Unite non sono remunerati.

Il programma di tirocini si rivolge ai laureati ed è disponibile presso l'Ufficio dell'Alto Commissariato per i Diritti Umani delle Nazioni Unite - OHCHR. Tirocini presso l'Alto Commissariato per i Diritti Umani delle Nazioni Unite be able to communicate fluently in English. If selected, be able to prove valid medical insurance coverage for your stay in Switzerland, provide a medical certificate stating that you are in good health and prove your enrolment in graduate studies Be able to cover the costs of travel, accommodation, as well as living expenses of the internship (approx. Be able to obtain the necessary visa and to arrange your travel to the United Nations Have graduated with a university degree and, if selected, must commence the internship within a one-year period of graduation Be enrolled in the final academic year of a first university degree programme (minimum Bachelor’s level or equivalent) Be enrolled in a graduate school programme (second university degree or equivalent, or higher)

Interns are responsible for making their own travel arrangements and for obtaining visas.Ī) increase the intern's understanding of current human rights issues at the international level and give an insight into the work of the United Nations and OHCHR in particular ī) provide OHCHR and the United Nations Human Rights mechanisms with the assistance and contribution of outstanding students or graduates.

Travel costs and living expenses must be met by the interns themselves or by a sponsoring institution.

United Nations internships are not remunerated. This internship programme is aimed at graduate students and is available at the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights - OHCHR.